Congratulations for the decision of creating your own dashboard ! We are proud to have you as a user and-or contributor !
To know more about Morgenbord's architecture, please start with the architecture's basics on the main page.
Make sure your PHP installation is compatible with Symfony 6.0
Morgenbord has been built with SQLite in mind, you will need to install the SQLite extension.
Step by step
Step 1: Create your app
Your app is yours, make it the way you want it to be. You need to create your project with our template. Do it with composer. It will take our template and create a new project in the specified directory. Here the directory is morgenbord-app
composer create-project morgenbord/app morgenbord-app
That's it, you have the right tree structure with the right dependencies, including the core bundle.
Step 2: Configuration
There is nothing to do ! Morgenbord uses SQLite. All data will be in var/data.db
. There is nothing to do here.
Step 3 : Setting the first user
Step 4 : Install widget bundles
Widgets are installed with composer. You cna get a list of official widgets with the widgets page.